[RF] Orin Goldleaf, Halfling Cleric
(source) (clumsy_aerialist)
[RF] Astrun Stormcliff – The Giant Halfling
(source) (cosipurple)
[RF] Flinn Green-Leaf aka Flinn Quick-Hand, the lightfoot halfling rogue thief for u/ViiTinN
(source) (RobotHandsome)
[RF] Halfling Chef with Mobile Kitchen
(source) (verisimlitudesque)
[RF] Eida Silvereyes, Halfling Peace Cleric for owcjthrowawayOR69
(source) (MarchRabbit37)
[RF] Tika Sunflower – Andean Sling halfling for u/trilobot
(source) (TerrapinRacer)
[RF] Halfling postman witch
(source) (L_e_fty)
[RF] Eini Longcloak, Halfling rogue
(source) (suthdavid)
[RF] Eini Longcloak, Halfling Rogue. For u/Efficient_Weekend_90
(source) (Leadjockey)
[RF] Halfling girl based on miniature for u/BlueHero45
(source) (Tannant)